Red Learning Binder
Give your child the best start to their lifelong learning journey with the Wondertivity Red Learning Binder.
30 beautifully illustrated pages printed on high quality laminated cardstock paper for maximum durability. Perfect for pairing with other sensory elements such as play dough and counters for extension activities.
Each fully assembled binder comes with:
- 5 multicoloured markers
- A4 zip lock sleeve for storage
- Lower case alphabet cards
- Upper case alphabet cards
- Numbers to 10 cards
- Shapes and Colours cards
- Daddy and Baby Bear Number puzzle cards
These cards (with the exception of the Daddy and Baby Bear Number puzzle) are used for various activities throughout the binder.
The activities in the binder range in difficulty. There are some activities for developing confidence as well as more difficult activities that introduce new concepts and provide an element of challenge. For younger children, start with a few pages then add additional pages to the binder as your child masters each skill.
Product photography by Kate from KBergs Photography.